Estimated impact

Estimated impact


This feature is in preview and coming soon. Stay tuned!

Lekkos offers the ability to flexibly define conditional configuration logic which has many applications. For instance, you could define configurations for specific environments, customer segments, or URL routes on your website.

When making a configuration change, you want to have confidence that your change will actually affect the correct targets you want.

Lekko provides a core feature to help you make confident decisions safely, and we call it estimated impact.

What’s estimated impact?

Using a combination of static analysis on your lekkos, historical evaluation metrics, and an AI prediction engine, we're able to calculate the breakdown of traffic corresponding to the possible variations of your lekkos.

Based on these calculations, if we detect that a change would affect a very small or large portion of your traffic, we display warnings and a confirmation request.

Estimated impact warning example

You can then drill into this information to see the calculated breakdown of variations.

Estimated impact example