Safety measures against temporary failures

Safety measures against temporary failures

Lekko uses several safety measures to ensure reliable service in case of temporary failures.

Tiered distribution

Lekko uses edge deployments to reduce latency and add availability layers. SDKs connect to the nearest edge deployment, ensuring continuous operation even if the backend fails.

You can self-host this tiered distribution service as part of your Kubernetes infrastructure via a Helm chart (opens in a new tab). This option is available if you have advanced use case requirements such as on-premises infrastructure.

Advanced fallback modes

Advanced fallback modes in the SDKs ensure the availability of configs during app startup even if the Lekko backend is down. This is available in local evaluation mode.

In-code defaults

To ensure the availability of configs, employ the following techniques:

  • Define defaults in code. This method is simple but can lead to stale defaults and additional error handling.
  • Embed config repositories into the deployment of your app. This ensures new deployments can start even if the backend is unavailable.